List of the most important advntages of CareSine Resto POS:
- User friendly touch, fast and easy to handle.
- Kiosk module - Unattended points of sale with different payment methods (credit card, cash or over the counter). They work independently and continuously, increase profitability by more than 15%, avoid queues and waiting times, and improve the distribution of staff.
- Multi users, accessible locally and also from other computers, tablet and smartphone.
- Multi-language support (FR, NL, EN, ...).
- Visual table plan of the rooms and terrace, name or number of tables.
- Simple configuration of menus, categorieset articles.
- Client-side display screen in the waiting room - queue management + Customer information screen, order processing.
- Ordering division for individual payments.
- Delivery / Home Delivery Management.
- Printing of customer receipts, receipts and customer invoices.
- Calculation of VAT.
- Refund.
- Inventory management, expenses, cashflow (cash flow management and prediction), purchases, all transactions.
- Time management (attendance / presence of the joboyés).
- Security system (access control) according to the role of user / employee.
- Analysis and reports configurable.
- Electronic menu for customers.
- Choice of fixed and / or mobile screens.
- Integrable with: electronic scale, payment terminals, barcode scanner, cash drawer, automatic coin mechanism.
- Integrable with: electronic scale, payment terminals, barcode scanner, cash drawer, automatic coin mechanism.
- Modules for: home delivery (pre-loaded streets and cities), discount or loyalty cards, e-commerce, mass sending SMS.
- Specific integration module with /